Comparing the situation in the city of Mosul with the situation in other parts of Iraq, I think this city needs some gigantic efforts to stabilize the security conditions or else I am assuming it is gonna take forever to have a peaceful life in there. I mean everytime the security forces start some operation. It seems kinda successful at the beginning, but things get even worse few days later. For an exceptional situation, the government needs to have an exceptional plan. I really feel sorry for the people who live there, but on the other hand, I think they need to stand up for themselves modelling after the people in other parts of Iraq. I know that is gonna cost them alot, yet I guess it will be better off if they sacrifice now to see a glimpse of hope later. According to my experience in that city, I think alot of people don't support insurgency, but the problem is "they are so scared and sometimes unjustifiably terrorized". When I was still back in Iraq, I had the chance to meet the people and talk to them but some of them seemed so scared even when talking inside their homes and within their own families. Just like back in days when many people couldn't talk about the to-hell-gone Saddam. Unfortunately, I barely met people who could utter the word "terrorist" even inside their homes. They still think those who kill, kidnap, destroy, blow up schools are "resistance" or "gunmen". I wonder how long those people would keep flattering the "devil"!!!
This is my message to some Mosulli people (the word "Mosulli" refers to people who live in the city of Mosul): whether or not you tolerate with the terrorists, whether or not you complement them? whether or not you flatter them to save your lives, you better know: they will never and ever appreciate what you do. They will keep destroying your city. They will keep blowing up your schools. Throughout my service as a translator in Ninewa Province in general, I found out that the people of Mosul do nothing but complain and criticize other people!!!! They have always been focused on recording the violations committed by the security forces, and totally forgotten about the inhumane crimes committed against the innocent people and the infrastructure. Every time some security element deployed to the city from other parts of Iraq, they have always complained saying "well, these soldiers are from the south or north and they are definitely here to harm us because they don't like us!!!!!!!!!!!! these soldiers are from this or that sect and are here to harm us!!!!!!!!!. you would never hear them saying "terrorists harm us". What really upset me about them: they always complain about the raids and checkpoints, but never would you hear them complaining about assassinations, explosions and about those who were/are used to decapitate innocent people in the middle of streets. It is funny isn't it!!!!!!!!!. They keep commenting on "how disrespectful the IAs and IPs are, but you would never hear them commenting on "how ruthless and brutal the terrorists are" or on "how harmful and destructive the car bombs are"!!! and what it is even funnier: when innocent people die in scores due to a car bomb or when a suicide bomber set his filthy body off, they blame that on the security forces; accusing them of weakness. Well, I understand that the security forces are not strong and not trained enough, but the question is: who did it? They always complain about the lack of services and negligence of the government to their city, but you would never hear them commenting on how much destruction the terrorists have brought to their city, how many buildings, houses, schools, hospitals or health centers, have been demolished by car bombs!!!! and how often water or power supply grids were damaged due to explosions or shootouts!!!! I also understand it is their right to complain about the lack of services but let's just judge things as they are. Non-stop complaining would never change anything, but objective criticism would, but demonstrations would, but strikes, asking to discharge some official, would. If we keep complaining without knowing what we really want, then it will all be waste. Usually when people complain or criticize a certain thing, they have already an alternative or solution set for it. People in Mosul say the troops from north or south are actually there to harm the mosullis, but the question is: what is the alternative?
Our Prophet Mohammed "Peace and Blessing Upon Him" said "he who sees a wrong thing happening, he has to stop it by act, if he can't then by a word, and if he can't then he has to deny it in his heart which is the least level of faith". "this is just an explanation of the hadeeth, it is not necessarily the exact interpretation of it". I mean, if you can't stand up for yourselves, or can't even criticize the crimes the terrorists commit on a daily basis, at least don't flatter them, don't consider them resistance, at least deny them within yourselves and in your hearts.