Today US people have elected who they think will brighten the future of their nati
on, the nation of multi-ethnicities and religions. What is interesting though is that the American people have proved and demonstrated their democratic awareness and freedom of choice; as most of the people, regardless of color or origin, have voted for Obama, an African American, simply because they see him as the man who will change their reality and bring more prosperty to their nation, amid the recently emerged economic crisis. Some Americans, however, see him as the man who will bring their sons and daughters from Iraq back home.

But the questions that many Iraqis raise these days are: What will Obama exactly do vis-as-vis the Iraqi Issue? Is he gonna pull the US troops out of Iraq? Is he gonna change the plan he set for himself during his electoral campaign? Is he gonna stick to the US commitment to the reconstruction of Iraq and training of ISF? and continue what the Bush administration has been doing? Is he gonna commit to the security pact with the Iraqi side, if approved by government of Iraq? All these questions and tens of others remain unanswered and pending until Obama takes office the coming winter. Well, I do wish that Obama will not dramatically change the US policy in Iraq. I do wish that Iraq will remain a big part of the US concern in the Mideast cuz letting Iraq down during this phase, will create a chaos in this country and encourage many neighboring and regional countries to interfer in the Iraqi affair. Leaving Iraq alone during this phase will demolish all the recently gained progresses, and will destroy the young democracy in this country. Iraq, will then, be a country under the influence of many dictatorships that could be even worse than the dictatorship Iraqis just buried, and all the efforts made by the US administration in this course will go with a blow of wind. Iraq will then be an ongoing war zone. Nobody in Iraq wishes this war to continue but they wish US remains committed to its mission in Iraq and has/have a wiser policy to resolve the problems there, whether security-wise, economically, or politically, and that will be possible by putting more pressure on the Government of Iraq to make further reforms in the course of democracy and economy, and in the course of reconciliation, and its fight on the widespread corruption, and by putting further pressure on the Iraqi politicians and parliamentarians to be more effective and stop their laziness and thinking of nothing but financial gains and vacations abroad!!!
Well, by saying so, I don't wanna be a representative and speak on behalf of other Iraqis but through my talking to the people and understanding of the situation in this country, I think this is what an average Iraqi citizen hopes of the US president-elect. I hope one day Iraqi people will be as wise as the American nation, and choose who they see will well-fit to lead them in the future and bring more properity to Iraq, away from partisan or personal considerations.
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