Imam Al-Hussein stood againt Yezeed Bin Mu'aawiya, the Umayyad caliph who had spread injustice, oppression, persecution, and every sort of corruption. Yezeed was also known of his involvement in twisting many aspects and principles of real Islam.
Reading through the history of Taff Battle (61 AH...680 AC) I have found that Imam al-Hussein (PBUH) had faced the most ferocious and inhumane type of killing. Most, if not all, of the prominent figures who had been killed throughout history, were killed either by sword, lance, arrow, bayonet, knife, sniped down with a bullet, showered with bullets, hanged...etc. What I wanna say is that all of those figures where killed with only one killing tool (weapon). Imam al-Hussein, on the other hand, was killed by people who had used every type of weapon available back then. The first weapon they used was by depriving him and his family from water for several days. They blocked every possible way to Euphrates to prevent him from reaching the source of water. Imam al-Hussein's faced the following:
1. Deprived from water for several days
2. His body received tens of lance hits
3. Tens of sword hits
4. Numerous arrows planted in his body. One was tri-headed and hit him in the heart.
5. Finger cutoff and his ring was looted
6. Family tents burned and contents looted
7. Family members killed or taken captives (chained altogether)
8. His sister (Zeynab) and the rest of his family members and relatives (mostly women and kids)beaten up using whips.
9. Imam's infant (Ali Al-Azghar or known as Arradhee) killed thirst. Imam al-Hussein carried him and asked Bin Zeyad's army to give him few drops of water but the army instead planted an arrow in his throat leaving him bleeding to death in his father's arms.
10. Imam al-Hussein and his barely over-a-hundred people confronted an army of 33,000 fighters (according to historians)
10. Body smashed and bruised using horses by Bin Zeyad's army.
11. Imam's head was cutoff and carried along with heads of other martyrs to Kufa and then
to Cham (Syria)
12. His body left on desert for three days.
13. Visiting his tomb was banned for hundreds of years, and visitors had (have) always faced
14. His tomb (shrine) has faced many attempts of destruction throughout the Umayyad and
Abbasid eras, and even during the recent history, but all were useless.
15. People never stopped visiting his tomb despite of life threats they faced.
16. People never stopped mourning the day of his death.
17. The only tomb on earth that receives millions of visitors in the anniversary, in addition to everyday visits.
18. He is the only martyr that people still lament despite of his death 1369 yrs ago.
19. He was the first one in history that stood against a tyrant and spoke out. He was quoted as saying: "For me! death is nothing but a delight...and living with tyrants is a boredom"
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