This video& photo-supported article is in the occasion of the death of The Greatest Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Who shall remain in hearts and minds of millions of people regardless of what the radicals have done to defame His picture. This following video includes testimonies of influential characters from around the world about the greatness of the Prophet Mohammed. The photos are different views of the holy al-Masjid Annebawi.

Beautiful pictures, Ali. I still wonder why Saudi authorities prohibit taking photos of the grave of the prophet. I met a lot of people who have been there, but they were stopped when they wanted to take pictures.
Unfortunately, wrong people rule that country!
Yes indeed it is very beautiful. Thanx
So many gorgeous quotes Ali, yet I think I like that of George Bernard Shaw....
Beautiful post... and I so love the pictures yet I am unsure of where or what they are....
You must be in a beautiful frame of mind lately with your poetry and art like photos... Love them
Ali, what does the (PBUM) mean after his name?
As for the pictures, they all show the Holy Prophet's Mosque which the Prophet himself partook in placing its first bricks 1430yrs ago. It also embraces the Prophet's shrine, his grave. ((PBUH means Peace&Blessing Upon Him and His Household)).
As far as ur saying if I was in a breautiful frame of mind, all I can say is: no matter how sad I was feeling at the time when I wrote that thing, I was still happy coz every line I wrote reminded me of a sweet, true, innocent and pure love I felt for this girl and she felt for me. And because love beautifies things and adds flavor to everything especially when it is so real and materialism-free. And when I painted that little thing, my tears came down for real!!! and as for poetry, I actually love it and have some poem-like writings and will post them in the future inshaallah. I am not a poet so I shouldn't say poem, I therefore prefer to say either poem-like or poetic writings. It is what I felt at the moment I wrote but doesn't necessarily comply with the poetry standards.
Thanks for explaining all that to me Ali, Im learning a little more each time I vist...:)
I would be honoured to read your poetic writings
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